Our Perinatal, Infant and Child Services (PICS) Team provide a range of interventions, education and supports to new and expectant parents.
We know this time in anyone’s life can be both exciting and challenging. With a lot changing in the whānau, couple or individuals’ life, we are here as an extra support to those finding the adjustment difficult.
This service grew out of a recognised need to support the people having and raising babies/pēpi in our region. We are proud to be offering the great services of a multidisciplinary team to empower parent(s) to be happy and healthy so they can raise a happy and healthy whānau.
The PICS team offers a range of supports for all pregnancy, birthing and early childhood experiences. Whatever a whānau looks, sounds and feels like for you. No matter your story, challenges or celebrations. We are here.
The PICS team offer one-of-a-kind programmes to the new and expectant whānau and parents in our communities.
These programmes are free to attend and run multiple times a year. Registration dates and news regarding upcoming programmes can be found on our Instagram, Facebook and in the Community page on our website.
Antenatal Education Group Programme
This is a space for expectant parents to learn more about transitioning to parenthood and gain support in a small and friendly group setting.
This group programme will cover:
PICS runs various drop-in groups in Queenstown. These groups are open to anyone from locals, visitors to dads, grandparents and wider whānau, and these groups do not need a referral or registration.
All our groups include tea, coffee, snacks, good conversations and occasionally we have guest speakers.
New Parents Drop-In
This is a group for any and all parents and babies and is on every Thursday at 10-12 in St John’s Community Room on 10 Douglas Street Frankton.
Remarkable Children Drop-In
This is a group for parents with children who have a disability and are under 5. This group is on the first Tuesday of every month at 1:30-3 PM at Frankton Playcentre.
Any changes, and any updates, to these groups can be found on our Instagram or Facebook page.
We know that being a dad can be a tough role, but happy, healthy and informed dads are part of the support system for our mums and babies. We are proud to offer one-on-one work with dads and work with the whole whānau through challenges during pregnancy or post-birth.
Here are some other places with great information and resources for dads:
Are you a dad wanting to support other dads, with a great idea for dads or a recommendation for support? Let us know at community@clfs.co.nz
If you are reading this page because you or a loved one has lost a baby or child, we offer our condolences.
Sands, a national NGO run by parents who have experienced this grief, have put together a local guide to help sign post more help and support options. The information is below, and physical pamphlets can be found at our PICS office.
PICS and Sands collaborate on running local events for those wanting to connect with other parents. We share these on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
PICS specializes in offering all types of perinatal and postnatal care including supporting your whānau through trauma and baby loss. Our team will assess your needs and build a personalized care plan tailored to your specific needs.
Sands (Local) – A parent-run nationwide support group for parents/whānau who have experienced the death of a baby/child. Promoting awareness and providing information and support in a non-judgemental and welcoming setting. Contact Natasha – 027 410 4685
Whetūrungitia – Information for bereaved family and whānau experiencing the death of a baby or child
KidsHealth – Information on what to do after a Child or Infant dies
The Little Miracles Trust is specialized support service for neonatal, premature and sick babies, they also support grieving parents.
Death Cafe Queenstown – A confidential and respectful group where you can discuss death and dying with coffee and cake.
Alison Monks Birth Trauma Support – Private support with grief and birth trauma in Wānaka or Online. Contact – allieivymonks@gmail.com
Mila Self-Healing Massage is an experienced massage and reiki therapist and works with those who are looking for self-care after a loss.
The Loss & Grief Centre offer six subsidized counselling sessions for pregnancy and baby loss for Queenstown/Arrowtown whānau.
Sanctuary Day Spa Wānaka offer two complimentary massages to mums after baby loss. Contact Vanessa – info@sanctuarywanaka.co.nz
Whakatipu Baby Memorial is a special place of remembrance within the Lakes/Central area to acknowledge lost babies. Located on Spence Road, Lower Shotover. Contact – wakatipu.babymemorial@outlook.com
Anyone expecting a pēpi/baby or with a child under the age of 5 can be supported by the PICS team. A referral does not guarantee support, but we will suggest alternatives and/or waitlist. Anyone is welcome to attend our drop-in groups with or without a referral.
To access these services, you can self-refer by contacting the team directly at: pics@clfs.co.nz
We also accept referrals from any health professional, midwife or Plunket nurse. If you are a health professional who would like a downloadable copy of our referral form and criteria, please let us know.