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Going to Court

We support individuals and whānau with Court matters related to family violence, sexual violence, youth justice, protection orders, parenting orders and many other proceedings. You can seek support from us directly, the Court Navigators may refer you or the Police and Courts may require you to be supported by our teams for mandated programmes. 

You are allowed a support person to be with you, or in attendance, for most Court proceedings. If you are currently being supported by Central Lakes Family Services and are required to attend Court, we can make arrangements to be with you.  If you would like to discuss support for you, tamariki or whānau, please contact: info@clfs.co.nz

For more information on the Criminal Court click here.
For more information on the Family Court click here.
For more information on the Youth Court click here.

To find Victim Support click here.
To find a Court Navigator click here.
To find Legal Aid click here.

Community Law – Community Law is a service all around the country. They offer all sorts of free legal help, from easy-to-read information to community workshops, to one-on-one legal help. The nearest Community Law are in Dunedin and Invercargill, but cover Central Otago and Southern Lakes. You can find more information, support, advice and explanations on their website here.

Citizens Advice Bureau – The CAB are a nationwide, but locally based, community organisation. They help people to know and understand their rights and obligations, and how to use this information to get the best outcomes. Queenstown CAB is located on 44 Stanley Street in the heart of Queenstown. More information about their hours, services, clinics and supports can be found on their website here.

Supporting Migrants & Newcomers

We know that Queenstown, Wānaka, Cromwell, Alexandra and the surrounding areas rely heavily on newcomers and working visas for workforce. We ourselves are a service made up of people from all corners of the world.  Supporting the people that help make this region so amazing, is core to our services.

We can support those here on any visa, including holidaymakers, who experience challenges with their mental health or those who have experienced family, domestic or sexual violence.

Here are some resources, websites and organisations we find helpful for working alongside migrant & newcomer populations.

Immigration New Zealand Resources – click here.
Ministry for Ethnic Communities Directory – click here.
Queenstown Lakes District Council Welcoming Communities Programme – click here.
New Zealand Society of Translators & Interpreters – click here.
Healthify Translated Health Information – click here.

If you would like to access our services and supports, please see Our Services for specific criteria.

Supporting LGBTTQIA+

All our services are available to members of the LGBTTQIA+ community.

Violence in rainbow communities can be complex, especially, when we consider how sexual orientation or gender identity intersects with other aspects of identity (e.g. race/ethnicity). People of
intersecting identities are affected by oppression, violence, ill-health & harm in different ways.

We acknowledge that this can be a barrier to seeking support for acute, recent or historic experiences of harm and violence. Our teams are proud to provide non-judgmental, empathetic and kind services where you are the expert in your story.

We are continually upskilling staff to best serve all our communities including LGBTTQIA+ whānau. If we can make your experience of seeking support easier or more welcoming, please let us know. 

Community Support Work

One of the services we offer across all of our teams is Community Support Work. 

This is a group of staff that can offer support for all our clients where needed, they come from a range of backgrounds, experiences and qualifications. They all work alongside the client to ensure outcomes that are transformational for them and their lives. 

Community Support Work looks different with every client and/or whānau. Here are some examples of what community support can offer:

  • Make and attend appointments.
  • Support access to MSD/ Work and Income services.
  • Advocacy in schools, workplaces, with whānau and loved ones.
  • Make referrals through to financial supports, food resilience supports and other practical support.

This work can be part of a wider wrap around care plan for those being supported by Central Lakes Family Services. These services are also free, confidential and safe.

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