Get in touch

How to get help

We welcome self-referrals and referrals from other professionals, GP’s, schools, other agencies/organisations and referrals from other teams within Central Lakes Family Services.

If you are unsure and would like to discuss your concerns before making a referral, please contact:

The referral form below is to ensure we have enough information to understand the current challenges, concerns and needs. Submitting a referral does not make you or the individual a client automatically. If we feel there are other services who are better suited or more specialized, we will provide information regarding other supports.

We acknowledge seeking support is a big step for whānau, but we are not able to take referrals outside specific criteria – more information can be found under our What We Offer sections.

Referral Form

    Referrers Information

    Has the client/family consented to a referral?
    (Must consent to referral before CLFS can contact)

    Clients Details

    Preferred/safest method of contact

    Household/Whanau Details

    Is the Child/Youth/Whanau experiencing any of these stressors: (Please highlight any and specify below)

    Has the child/young person been exposed or experienced any of the following currently or historically: (please specify details)

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